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HR PhD Study - request for assistance from Rhode Island SHRM

19 Oct 2019 12:59 PM | Anonymous

RI SHRM Member:

Hello! My name is Anthony Hunt and I’m a PhD student in the Human Resource Development (HRD) program at Texas A&M University. I’m currently conducting research for my dissertation about factors that relate to HR expertise, such as experience, exposure to various HR functional areas, personality, membership in professional associations, and decision-making styles. 

I’m reaching out to HR professionals like yourself to request your assistance. I invite you to participate in my study by completing a survey, which can be found here.

Participation is voluntary, confidential, and only takes about 15-20 minutes.  To show my appreciation for your valuable contribution, I’m even giving away four (4) $50 Amazon gift cards in a drawing for those who participate by November 30, 2019.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact me at (512) 922-1807 or at tonykhunt@tamu.edu.

Thank you in advance for your time, consideration, and input!

Most Sincerely,

Anthony Hunt, PhD Student

Texas A&M University

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